Today marks the release of non just the best reviewed Marvel motion picture to appointment, but besides what is being regarded as the funniest. THOR: RAGNAROK is far from the first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to be funny or at least have funny moments, but Taika Waititi'southward trademark wit may change the way the MCU is presented to audiences in the future. In honor of THOR: RAGNAROK, here is our ranking of the x funniest moments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If you think we missed something hilarious, let us know in the talk backs below.


At that place is a great moment in the trailer for THOR: RAGNAROK that recalls this instantly classic scene from THE AVENGERS. Just equally Loki is nigh to launch into a monologue near his greatness, Hulk interrupts by keen the hell out of him and then uttering the first words the green behemothic has said in the motion-picture show. Information technology is an iconic moment in a movie full of memorable moments. And, information technology is funny as hell.


SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING was a hit this past summer and brought arguably the best iteration of Peter Parker to the silver screen. Whether you liked the movie or non, you cannot argue that it was a funny picture show. No scene was as perfectly timed equally the final seconds of the feature which revealed Spider-man's truthful identity to Marisa Tomei's Aunt May. Perfect editing insinuates more than nosotros actually hear and that makes this even funnier.

Trevor Slattery (Fe MAN 3)

The almost controversial MCU pic, Fe Human three featured a twist on The Mandarin that still divides audiences to this day. But, in hindsight and thanks to a great Marvel Ane Shot featuring Ben Kingsley reprising his function as Trevor Slattery, fans are becoming more accepting of this change in the Mandarin's dorsum story. I beloved the unabridged performance and this scene remains one of my favorites in whatsoever MCU picture.

Baskin Robbins (Ant MAN)

Peyton Reed had a tough task filling the vacated shoes left by Edgar Wright. Emmet-Homo could have been a disaster but is actually i of the about fun of all the MCU entries. Rudd's timing and charm helps comport the more uneven parts of the picture show but it is the funny that made this motion-picture show work so well. There are a ton of great moments in this picture that elicit laughs, but the unabridged Baskin Robbins scene is hilarious.


Right from the very outset of Historic period OF ULTRON, Tony Stark gives Steve Rogers crap for a throwaway line almost Iron Man cursing. It could have ended there, merely Joss Whedon keeps it going through the entire film and it all comes dorsum to Helm America joining the mild profanity peer pressure in the terminate. It is ane of the best parts of an overall underwhelming movie.

Metaphors (GUARDIANS OF THE Milky way)

GUARDIANS OF THE Galaxy is a great movie full of fun and funny. I could have picked the dance off betwixt Star Lord and Ronan, any of the lines from Rocket, or even Groot and the battery, just I remember Dave Bautista as Drax steals the show. His lack of agreement metaphors makes for some great one-act. Personally, I think they went a bit besides far with Drax in VOL. 2, but that is merely my opinion.

Behemothic Man (Captain AMERICA: CIVIL State of war)

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Ceremonious WAR is the all-time use of the wide array of Marvel heroes on the big screen, at least until INFINITY WAR debuts. Because of these wide personalities, you have to go large or go home. Null is quite as large every bit Behemothic Man who makes his MCU debut in this scene. While Paul Rudd's reaction and Tom Holland's line may initiate the grinning, it is Don Cheadle who drives the chuckle home.


Robert Downey Jr'due south wit and acting in the Fe Man films helped conductor in the MCU and information technology is on full display in THE AVENGERS. There are a lot of memorable moments of humor in Joss Whedon's blockbuster, but none is as good as this scene where Tony Stark calls out a S.H.I.E.Fifty.D. agent for playing a video game at work merely for the guy to actually be doing it. A great line and an even better payoff to the joke.

Go Me A Horse (THOR)

While THOR: RAGNAROK is being hailed as the funniest MCU moving picture to date, there has e'er been humour in the trilogy. Most notable is this scene in which Chris Hemsworth'due south comic timing shines twice: first when he smashes his glass and then again when he confuses the available animals for him to ride here on Midgard.

Mister Doctor (Dr. Strange)

While DOCTOR STRANGE may have been one of the less profitable MCU entries, it did have some squeamish line deliveries from star Bridegroom Cumberbatch who evoked the smarmy demeanor of Tony Stark. But, it is the misunderstanding of what Strange's proper name is in this scene that fabricated me laugh quite a bit. I owe the humour in equal parts to Mads Mikkelsen and his dry antiphon.