Palacio De Bellas Artes Restuarant Backround for Green Screen

No heist had ever garnered every bit much media attending as the one that began on our screens back in 2017. Watched by millions in over 190 countries, this Netflix hit has received numerous awards, including an International Emmy for Best Drama Series. Set in Madrid, nearly of the activity takes identify in the Imperial Mint of Spain, so it's non uncommon to come across people continuing outside it taking a selfie. Just, nosotros're going to permit you into a piddling secret: the façade that we see on our screens is non actually the Regal Mint, only the CSIC or the Spanish National Enquiry Quango (CSIC).The fourth flavour brought many more locations to our city. Notice them!

A misleading façade

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is the country's largest public scientific inquiry institution. The exteriors of the building where the characters are decorated printing out 2.4 billion euros belongs to the CSIC, and not to the Royal Mint.

La casa de papel - Foto: Vancouver Media / A3 TV

An excellent alternative

The series was not shot in the Regal Mint for ii reasons. Founded in 1893, following the merge of the Casa de la Moneda and the Fábrica del Sello, this entity is in accuse of producing bank notes and coins, so filming inside was obviously out of the question. Some other reason was operational factors: the Purple Mint is located on the corner of a very narrow street, Calle Jorge Juan, and a very busy i, Calle Medico Esquerdo. The CSIC, on the other hand, which has a very similar façade is situated in an expanse closed to traffic, making information technology easier to motion-picture show action scenes. The Royal Mint of Spain is not open up to the public, merely y'all can visit its museum, Casa de la Moneda Museum, which is considered i of the most important of its kind in the world. Its numismatic collection provides an overview of the history of coins from the seventh century to the nowadays, and its philatelic drove includes all Spanish postage stamps always issued by Correos, the Spanish postal service.

La casa de papel - Foto: Vancouver Media / A3 TV

The Rooftop in Money Heist

In the 3rd episode, the main characters go up to the building's rooftop. That's something they couldn't do at the CSIC headquarters, since it doesn't have i, so they had to motion picture on top of the School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering (ETSIAE), at no. 3 in Calle del Cardenal Cisneros in Madrid.

La casa de papel

Finally, if you head to no. 30 in Calle Miguel Yuste (in the San Blas-Canillejas district, near Quinta de los Molinos and Wanda Metropolitano Stadium), y'all'll be surprised to run into the undercover warehouse from which The Professor gave his orders (and fifty-fifty more and then if yous noticed that on the prove it'southward located at no. thirty Calle Alcántara).

Much more Madrid in the third season

The show'south tertiary season premiered in July 2019, and over again Madrid plays a very of import role. If y'all visit our metropolis, you'll recognise the centrally-located Plaza de Callao (the square where thousands of l-euro notes are released) and the Ministry of Public Works (although the Bank of Spain is the target of the gang's new heist, the façade of the building that appears on screen really belongs to this ministry, located in the surface area of Nuevos Ministerios). You can also enjoy the rooftop of Círculo de Bellas Artes, Cuatro Torres Business Area (which you see as the blimp that rains down coin passes past), or the century-old avenue of Gran Vía (downwards which Marsella rides a cycle and drives the law crazy).

The fourth season

The fourth season, in which Madrid features heavily once again, premiered in the middle of the coronavirus crisis.

In Episode 3, the scene where The Professor and Berlin are debating whether to allow Palermo -who's also in the scene- atomic number 82 the Banking company of Spain heist takes place inside the Casino de Madrid. Nosotros see its spectacular modernist staircase and Bar Las Estancias. Information technology's there that Berlin has trouble with his bow tie...

In the aforementioned episode, Amanuensis Antoñanzas, who has turned mole, calls The Professor from a phone box at the corner of Paseo del Pintor Rosales and Calle Romero Robledo, right next to the house where, as the plaque on its façade informs u.s.a., sculptor Victorio Macho (who made the famous statue of Benito Pérez Galdós in El Retiro Park) once lived. Don't get looking for the phone box, though... it doesn't really exist.

Nor does Madrid have a Chinese eatery called Lao Che, which is in fact the name of a ruthless mob dominate in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

In Episode 7, posters with Río's picture on them appear all over Madrid, including Pasaje de los Cubos, which is in the famous Plaza de los Cubos off Calle Princesa. We get an impression of its graffiti, which is an example of the city's urban art.

In the same episode, The Professor makes another appearance on the screens of Cine Callao equally well as those of FNAC, which is located in the same square.

In addition to the iv skyscrapers of Cuatro Torres Business Area, there's some other that plays a starring role this season: the Castellana 81 building, known equally the "BBVA Belfry" past architect Sáenz de Oiza. Its silhouette is seen in the sky while a helicopter is trying to rescue Gandía, the banking company's caput of security.

And the fifth!

In true James Bail style, the fifth flavor of Money Heist brings the states fantastic shots of the cities where the secondary plots unfold. Lisbon and Copenhagen are the chosen locations this fourth dimension, although Madrid naturally continues to exist where all the major events take place.The Ministry of Public Works and the surrounding area -from El Corte Inglés on Paseo de la Castellana to the Caleido building and Sáenz de Oiza's tall, thin high-rise- are once over again the focus of the action, including a metro station whose sign reads "Banco de España" (Bank of Spain), but which is actually Nuevos Ministerios.

The proper name of the restaurant Tokio and her ex-boyfriend, René, determine to hold upwards is shown in the foreground, to make sure we all become a good wait at it. It'southward Tatel, a trendy establishment on Paseo de la Castellana whose owners include Rafa Nadal himself. The eatery has a scrap of a vintage order feel to it, and its cuisine is predominantly Castilian. How is it, then, that the eating place we see on the show is clearly Japanese? There's a trick to information technology: the interior belongs to another restaurant, Ichiban, which is located in Calle Alberto Alcocer and does in fact specialise in oriental food.

And speaking of food, the now ex-inspector Alicia Serra has an angry confrontation with The Professor, who, given the circumstances, urges her to join his group. She'southward not keen on becoming a fugitive and wants to stay in Madrid because -as she shouts to all and sundry- she likes tripe, Puerta del Sol and… yes, peradventure at that place's something else that fascinates her too.

In 1 of the flashbacks that bring dorsum Berlin's graphic symbol, we see him stage a robbery along with his son and some of the group'southward members in a spectacular palace where his wife, Tatiana, has been invited to give a piano concert. Outside we're in Denmark, simply once nosotros move inside, we're back in Madrid. The entire scene was shot in Fernán Núñez Palace. It's usually closed to the public just we've been able to get a proficient look at information technology in multiple films and Television set shows. In another flashback in the very concluding episode, Berlin makes a asking of his brother, who's heading to the library from the hideout where they brand their plans: "Bring me some biscuits from San Onofre". From Horno de San Onofre bakery, we presume. What a great selection!

The final episodes

Although none of the most famous thieves on the planet are named Madrid, our city is one of the stars of the show, and its role in the concluding few episodes is but equally prominent. It's a sprint to the stop that begins with an escape: by Alicia Serra and The Professor; start i and then the other, so both of them together with a legion of police chasing after them. Later on escaping thestormwater detention vault, which actually exists and is found under Club de Campo Villa de Madrid country club as part of the Canal de Isabel II sanitation network, the former inspector goes to Tamayo's business firm, located at no. 3 Calle López de Orgaz. In that location'southward no demand to check the map. Madrid doesn't accept a street with that proper noun, despite the colonel's insistence on closing off the neighbourhood ofChamberí to trap the elusive fugitives.

But is that actually the neighbourhood we're seeing? Almost, virtually... but not quite. Sometimes information technology's theBarrio de Salamanca and other times it'southLas Salesas. Allow'southward break it down scene by scene. From the window of the home where Alicia and the group's leader are hiding, nosotros can make out the shop Pretty Lala, which specialises in accessories, costume jewellery, furniture and other objects from the 1950s to the 1970s. The shop is located at no. 36 Calle de Villanueva. When the bin lorry that picks upward the lead characters passes past, we too go a glimpse of Cherubina, a clothing shop at no. eight Calle Núñez de Balboa. Earlier getting on, The Professor and his reluctant companion put their dexterity to the test as they climb down a rope hung from a balcony which takes them directly to the back door of a eating house that they accept to walk through. The identify is packed, just like in existent life. Merci (no. iii Conde de Xiquena) was originally a coal cellar, but today it's an ultra-modern bistro where you can order, for instance, sardines marinated in lime or ham croquettes in a thoroughly chichi atmosphere with decor featuring palm trees, demijohns and wooden and aged-iron details. A shame they didn't accept time to stay for dinner!

In that location are 2 other characters who will too be forced to skip dinner, even though they've already sat down to it: Berlin and Tatiana. Nosotros come across them in a very revealing flashback on the terrace ofDani Brasserie, located on tiptop of the4 Seasons Hotel in Plaza de Canalejas and helmed by chef Dani García, with the copper dome of the old headquarters of La Equitativa insurance company in the background. What would they have ordered had they stayed a niggling longer? Let'southward accept a wild gauge: beef fillet with dark-green shisho pesto for him, and wild sea bass for her.

Merely the fact is they didn't fifty-fifty stay for the wine. Be warned! There's a huge spoiler -and a fun trick on your optics- ahead. When Berlin follows his wife down the stairs, information technology's not the door of the hotel nosotros run into only that of the Real Casino de Madrid,an early 20th century edifice just opposite the 4 Seasons. Shortly you'll empathize why this modify was made. In pursuit of his beloved, the white-collar criminal gets into a taxi that takes him through Plaza de las Cortes, with the Church building of Los Jerónimos lighting up the horizon, to the door of a hotel where the pianist is meeting up with her lover, Rafael. Surprise! The hotel is actually still the Four Seasons, which has sculpted elephants on its facade that make it very easy to recognise. Everything that happens next takes place at the hotel, a edifice that in one case housed a bank, Banco Español de Crédito, which couldn't exist more up the aggrieved hubby's street. Inside nosotros see the elegant lobby, which was once the trading floor, and the bar ofDani Brasserie, the same identify where the scene began but in the indoor section this time. Maybe instead of a Negroni, our favourite villain would have been better off ordering a Sol, a Lavapiés, or a Malasaña: the bar'southward cocktails are named after neighbourhoods in Madrid.

The Professor, Berlin and Rafael make up a dynasty of thieves whose criminal origins are revealed to us in the famous Plaza Mayor. In one of its lively outdoor bars, The Professor tells them a secret: he saw his father die when he was just a boy. Information technology happened, we are shown through his memories, when a law officer shot him downwardly as he was escaping later a heist, on the stairs of a bank which is actually theFaculty of Pharmacy of Complutense University (UCM). The end! Information technology's over! We've come and so far! Although since we're here, it might be a good thought to head to the Reina Sofía Museum to enjoy some works by Salvador Dalí, whose silhouette is even pictured on the brass ingots that will forever remain -in the plot of the testify, anyway- inside the vault of the Depository financial institution of Espana, an iconic Madrid building which, no affair how oftentimes it's mentioned or we think we've spotted it, never actually appears on screen.


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