Revenue Bills Must Begin in the House of Representatives Quizlet

TEXT A. The legislative power of the United states of america

The legislative power resides in Congress which consists of two chambers or Houses � the Senate (the upper house) and the Business firm of Representatives (the lower on).

Each state has its own authorities following the Washington pattern � State Assemblies or legislatures with two chambers.

The primary task of Congress is to make laws. The U.s. Constitution also gives Congress the power to impose taxes, to brand rules for merchandise with foreign countries and betwixt united states, to coin coin, to organize the War machine, to declare state of war etc. It as well has the correct to propose amendments to the Constitution whenever two-thirds of both Houses consider it necessary.

The Senate is equanimous of 100 members, ii from each of the 50 states elected for a term of half dozen years. Under the Constitution the Senate has some special powers. It approves or disapproves major Presidential appointments of such high officials as ambassadors, Chiffonier members, federal judges. The Senate must likewise ratify, past twothirds vote, treaties between the Usa and foreign countries.

The House of Representatives is the dynamic institution of the federal government. United states of america are represented on a population basis and are divided into congressional districts or constituencies or roughly equal size (effectually 520.000 people). At the nowadays time, in that location are 435 members of the House of Representatives. It has a special power of its own. Simply a fellow member of the Business firm of Representatives can introduce a bill to enhance money, but it must exist passed past the Senate before it can become a law. The chairman of the House of Representatives, the Speaker, is elected past the Business firm and has important responsibilities, giving him considerable influence over the President. Moreover, should the President and Vice-President dice before the end of their term, it is the Speaker who becomes President. A new Congress session begins on the 3d of Jan each odd numbered year and continues for two years. Generally Congress goes along the decisions of its committees. For a bill to get a constabulary it must exist passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate and signed by President.

Ex. ane . ����������������������������������������������to follow the pattern ���������� ��������

to approve an engagement ��������� �����

to coin money ����������� ���������� to propose amendments �������� ���������� two-third vote �������� (���������) ������ special power ��� ����� �������

Ex. 2. ���������������������������������������������������������

A NOUN A VERB AN Adjective
to organize
to declare

Ex.iii . �����������������������������������������i. The legislative ability in the United states resides in �..

a) President b) Congress c) the Supreme Court

2. Congress consists of �..

a) the Firm of Eatables and the Senate b) the Senate and the House of Lords

c) the Senate and the House of Representatives

3. The main task of Congress is �.

a)to coin money b) to make laws c)to advise amendment to the Constitution

4. The Senate ratifies treaties with foreign countries by �.

a) the half of the members b) ii-thirds vote c) President�s order

5. The number of Representatives depends on �.

a) President�s decision b) the population of states c) the Constitutional ascertainment

Ex. four. ������������������ (*) ���������������������

1. The legislative power is presented by Congress consisting of the Senate (the lower house) and the Firm of Representatives (the upper firm) ( ). 2. Congress is responsible for police making activity ( ). three. Whenever two-thirds of both Houses consider it necessary Congress may propose amendments to the Constitution ( ). 4. Each of 50 states sends 2 representatives to the Senate for a five yr term ( ). 5. The Senate has special power � to corroborate or disapprove President�southward appointment ( ). vi. The number of Representatives depends on the size of the population ( ). vii. The responsibleness of a Senate member is to raise money ( ). 8. Every bill must exist passed by the Senate before it tin can become law ( ). 9. A new Congress session begins on the third of February each odd numbered year ( ). 10. Congress goes along with the decisions of its committees ( ).

Ex. 5. �����������������

1. What body is the Us legislative ability presented by? 2. How many chambers does

Congress consist of? three. Which house is the upper 1? 4. What is the primary responsibility of Congress? v. What is the chief pattern for legislature composition? 6. Which members have the right to introduce a Bill? 7. How are the amendments to the Constitution made? eight. What firm has the power to deal with financial matters? ix. What is the obligatory condition for passing any law? 10. When does Congress begin its new session? Ex. half dozen . �������������������������������������

TEXT B. The court organisation of the United States of America.

In the The states the judiciary (which is a collective term for courts and judges) is divided into national (federal) and country judiciary. Each is independent of the other with the exception that the Supreme Court may, under special circumstances involving federal questions, review a state court conclusion.

In the federal system there are xc District Courts presided over past a district gauge, which hear criminal cases involving breaches of federal law and civil cases on federal matters (disputes between states, non-payment of federal taxes, etc.). Each land has at to the lowest degree one commune courtroom, a few take equally many as four. Each courtroom has from one to 24 federal judges, depending on the volume of business. All judges are appointed for life by the President, or until they choose to resign.

Appeal can be made to the US courtroom of Appeals, where an appeal is heard by

3 judges, although in very important cases all nine entreatment judges sit together. In then vast majority of cases this court�s decision is final and sets a precedent for future cases, although this precedent is not always binding on the Supreme Courtroom.

Although non explicitly given the power of judicial review � the power to decided whether the actions of the President, Congress or country governments violate the Constitution � this is the important role that the Supreme Court has adult in the in the legal system. The Supreme Court judges of whom at that place are normally nine (though Congress may modify this number) are nominated for life by the President later being approved past the Senate. The Supreme Court meets in the Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. Information technology is a beautiful building of white marble. The figures over the entrance represent the national ideas of law and liberty. Above the main archway appear the words - �Equal Justice Under Police force�.

E X Eastward R C I S E S.

Ex.1 . ����������������������������������������������

under special circumstances to set a precedent to review a court conclusion to involve federal matters non-payment of federal taxes to be presided by to be appointed for life to violate the Constitution to be approved by

���� ��� ����������������� �������� ����������� ���� ���������� ���-�� ������ �� ������ ������������� ���� ����������� ���������� ������� ��������� ������������ �������� ������� �������� ������������ ������� �������� ����������� �������

Ex. ii. ���������������������������������������������������������

A Noun A VERB AN Describing word
to depend

Ex.3 . �����������������������������������������

one. The The states Judiciary is divided into �..

a) local and regional b) international and federal c) federal and state

two. The Usa Supreme Court may review �..

a) President�s orders b) articles of the Constitution c) a state court decision

3. District courts hear criminal and ceremonious cases involving ��

a) violation of national legislation b) violation of state legislation c) violation of man rights

4. The court of appeal sets a precedent for ��

a) legal development of the country b) time to come cases hearing c) reviewing the previous decisions

5. The Supreme Courtroom is responsible for �.

a) checking the conformity to the Constitution b) reviewing the appeal courts decisions c) deciding criminal and civil cases

Ex. 4. ������������������ (*) ���������������������

1. The US judiciary is divided into federal and local judiciary ( ). 2. In the federal organisation there are eighty District Courts presided over by a district judge ( ). three. District Courts are responsible for hearing criminal cases involving breaches of federal constabulary and civil cases on federal matters ( ). four. Each country has at to the lowest degree one commune courtroom ( ). 5. All judges of Commune Courts are nominated for a five year term past the Senate ( ). six.

Appeal can be made to the US court of Appeals ( ). 7. The of import role of the Supreme Court is to decided whether the actions of the President, Congress or land governments violate the Constitution ( ). eight. In that location are normally nine judges of Supreme Court nominated for life by Congress ( ). 9. Each Commune Court has from one to eleven federal judges depending on the volume of business ( ). ten. The Supreme Courtroom meets in the Supreme Courtroom building in New York ( ).

Ex. 5. �����������������

1. What body is the US judiciary presented by? 2. What categories of courts are in that location in the USA? 3. What cases are heard past the District Courts? 4. What is a membership of District Courts? 5. Which body has the right for courtroom reviewing? vi. What is the procedure of judges� nomination? 7. What court is the highest ane in the United states of america? 8. How long may a judge perform his professional person duties? 9. What area is the Supreme Court located on? 10. What words limited the core of U.s. idea of law and freedom?

Topical vocabulary


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